What does this clock mean?

This clock is not counting down the time left until the world ends. It is counting down the time that we have left limit climate change.

Once the earth heats up more than 1.5 degrees Celsius, the threat of climate change will get very bad, very quickly.

If we do not reduce our harmful impact, the damage to nature will be awful. The damage to our communities will be awful. The damage to ourselves will be awful.

I do not mean to scare you. But everyone needs to know. We need to understand that we must act now.

We have less than 10 years left to change.

We need to change

And we can change. And we are going to because it will be good.

The lifelines show just some of the ways that we are fighting against climate change.

There are so many other lifelines as well. There are so many wonderful things that we can do to rebuild our communities and save the world.

‘Waste is not waste until you’ve wasted it’- Gittemary Johansen

How is climate change going to shatter humanity?

This video use French language. But you can change the subtitles to suit you.

I am fed up

It's not about politics. It's not about popularity. It's not about wealth or ethnicity or favourite ice cream flavour or sexuality or fears or names. It's not about what he is doing or what she is not doing. We have less than 8 years until the raising of the planet's temperature will be irreversibly above 1.5*C. Climate change will not change.

Unless we change.

The deaths will continue to stack up, the holidays to safaris will stop, the number of refugees fleeing disaster will increase, the nice cool and fresh water will stop. The pain will only increase more and more. It will not stop. Unless we change.

I am fed up of waiting for politicians to create policies, fed up of ignorance, fed up of people wanting money and fake nails. Fed up. I'm not waiting and I am begging you to join me. Fight with us. Change your life and you will give life to the planet. A gazillion little actions caused climate change. A gazillion little actions can stop it.

No funeral hearse is followed by a lorry full of possessions. We all enter this life with nothing and all of us leave with nothing. And we will all leave this life. The fact that we will all die unites us.

But let's chose life. Let's unite over life instead of creating our deaths, and our neighbours deaths and the deaths of every living creature that exist.

And it is our deaths. Climate change is not some future event, it is not something that we can just adapt to, it is not something that we can just run away to Mars to.

This is our one planet, the only one that we can live on. We do not have the biological capacity to adapt to survive the turmoil.

We have less than 8 years to act. After that, we will die a slow and torturous death.



One of us.


I am fed up of talking. Join us in acting. A gazillion little actions make a difference. Let's choose to unite in life.

I like to tell people to think of adaptive clothing like the handicap ramp: Everyone can use it, not just people with disabilities, so why are we still so focused on making stairs?

- Fox (Eightfold Fox, quote accessed from SpoonFlower blog 13th Oct 2021)

It is ok if your home is not perfect with perfect and matching things. Buy and sell second-hand. Things can be washed. Even bedding can be used second-hand. And whoever said your plates and cups had to match?

A group of students in America have designed a fantastic city space for building community and the environment. Have a look at their project here- https://www.c40reinventingcities.org/en/students/winning-projects/westwood-highland-park-1480.html

‘Be confident with your choices…. because you really only have to please yourself’- Cassie Nicholas.

She talks to Reclaim Magazine about creating your own style in your home with vintage and antique furnishings.

Her easy tip is put hooks in the wall and hang art work from chains on the hooks- that way you can easily swap the art around when you get bored of your personal art gallery!