
Forests are full of amazing plants and creatures. In particular, forests are home to lots of trees. Trees eat carbon dioxide. This is great because it reduces the amount of harmful greenhouse gases in the air. (Find out about greenhouse gases and how they affect Frozen worlds)

Trees repurpose the carbon dioxide into glucose and starch. Glucose and starch are biological building blocks. They make trees tall.

We cut down trees and some other plants to make things. For example, the wood from trees can make toys and paper. The biological building blocks become building blocks for human activities.

However, at the moment, we cut down too many plants. We destroy forests and create wastelands.

These wastelands are enormous and they exist all over the world.

This releases the carbon dioxide back into the air. As a result global warming increases.

This also destroys the habitats where creatures live. The creatures that live with the plants in forests are then homeless. Homeless creatures are at risk of death.

We can save the forests from more pain and devastation.

If we use existing resources and stop deforestation, we can protect ancient forests. We need to use 'good wood' for buildings and toys. This is wood that is from companies that replace all the trees that they use. And companies that protect and help the forests that they base their business on.

We also need to re-wild the planet. Wherever possible, we need to make space and build forests so that wildlife can thrive again.

We need to give forests the strength, space and resources to rebuild themselves.

Choose recycled

If you are buying new things, choose things that are made from recycled materials.

  • Example clothing companies: Frank and Oak, Madewell- these companies make all types of clothing.
    Birdsong London- this company makes women's clothing.
    Ellis Brigham- this company makes outdoors and hiking clothing.
    Berghaus, Nike- these companies make sports clothes.
    Girlfriend collective- this company makes women's sports clothes.

  • Example jewellery companies: Article 22- they turn military equipment from the Vietnam war into beauty.
    Twisted Vintage Jewellery- they refurbish broken jewellery into new jewellery.

  • Example building material companies: this company make carpets
    Ecobricks- this company make bricks using rubbish collected by the public dbsustainability makes concrete from crushed beer bottles, radiators

  • 'Genecis'- this company makes bioplastics from food waste. Their plastics can be used for clothing, medical equipment, packaging, food containers, 3D printing!

  • A young woman from Kenya founded the company 'Gjenge Makers'. They recycle plastic to make paving stones.

Look after nature wherever you see it or smell it or hear it or feel it. Notice the living wildlife. Let it be.

Choose to step over a snail on the pavement instead of crushing it. Choose to pour leftover drinking water on the soil for some plants.

Choose life.

Choose natural

If you are buying new things, choose things that are made from natural materials.

  • Example clothing companies: Frank and Oak, Madewell- these companies make all types of clothing.
    Birdsong London- this
    company makes women's clothing.
    Leaf Organic, Little Lamb- these companies make baby clothing.
    Lenzing- this company makes lots of different sustainable fabrics. Businesses can uses them to make clothes with.

  • Example jewellery companies: Vrai diamonds- this company makes jewellery without mining and without slavery. Instead it makes beautiful jewellery with nature and quality.

  • Example toys for children, adults and animals made from natural materials: wooden toys, recycled plastic, bamboo, handmade with wool or cotton instead of polyester soft toys.
    Use real things and not pretend. For example, use charity shop plates and cups instead of plastic plates and cups.

  • Example paper, pens and office supply companies: 'Rescript stationery and paper'
    '' sells products that are certified by the FSC or the PEFC. This includes 'EnviroCopy', 'Copy Bio'. Also 'Kaskad' which makes different coloured paper which is great for being colourful and helpful for some people with difficulties such as dyslexia.