Coastal seas

Coastal seas are the beautiful areas that send waves to dance against the cliffs.

They provide a lot of the fish that we eat. However, we send giant ships called trawlers. Trawlers charge through the seas, trapping tonnes of fish and other creatures.

At the moment, we catch too many fish. The seas are running out of fish. Soon the fish will not be able to find mates. Species of fish will no longer exist.

And that is just one of the horrible methods for fishing.

But we can change.

There are simple things that we can do to protect the coastal seas. We do not have to stop eating fish or enjoying fishing. We just have to work with nature instead of wounding it.

Campaign for stricter fishing quotas. Quotas are rules that stop people from killing too many fish.

Campaign for smart fishing practices.

Use the Good Food Guide from the Marine Conservation Society. This will show you which types of fish are good to eat. It will show you which types of fish farming is destroying the planet.

Follow sustainable fishing practices

Use the methods from David Attenborough and his team.

In their 'smart fishing' practices, there are lots of marine reserves. These are areas where all sorts of nature can live in peace.

The fish will be able to grow bigger. They will have more babies. The fish will over spill into surrounding ocean. Then, fishermen can catch these fish without damaging the core breeding ground.

Have a look at this video for more information:


Tell other people about the danger faced by coastal seas. Encourage them to campaign to protect the seas. Encourage them to eat less fish. Or to eat sustainable fish.

Eat less fish every week

Campaign for more marine reserves.

Donate to ocean conservation charities.